How Do Wireless Condition Monitoring Systems Work?
Wireless Condition Monitoring (WCM) is a new model of automatic data collection and relay that allows technicians to use combined network technology to check machinery condition, performance, and any anomalies at a glance. WCM is compatible with almost everything that uses a digital sensor with I/O ports to track numerical variables. It allows for far greater flexibility in machine placement, sensor location and density, and network monitoring centralisation in large spaces.
It's all done without the need for extensive composite cable networks. Sensor arrays and electrical output feeds connect to transmitters that relay back to a central hub. The hub then uses external software to create logs and benchmarks, and sustain an overview of linked machine performance. Data sets are then accessed via an online dashboard, control panel, or secure computer.
How Does The Wireless Part Work?
Data travels back to the wireless hub via electromagnetic radio transmission. Sensors either use short distance, 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi or the longer, low-frequency wavelengths reserved for industrial monitoring bands. Hubs parse incoming signals and convert them to data that can be relayed again over the Internet. Digital integration allows for updates and push notifications to be sent to mobile devices, notifying engineers immediately when there's a problem.
It also allows staff to monitor machinery at vast distances, making WCM ideal for monitoring remote rural outposts, transformers, sparsely staffed buildings, and sprawling factories. It can combine with remote control to allow corrective commands and modifications to be sent back to machines, optimising performance. WCM can also be added to older, wired systems and fixed, secure terminals.
What Does Wireless Condition Monitoring Track?
WCM keeps tabs on electricity, vibration, temperature levels, GPS positioning, acceleration, physical proximity, elevation, wireless interference - and far more. Wireless relays combine and transmit data from multiple sensors, creating a comprehensive summary.
WCM is adaptable to all types of machinery. However, it's most common in dangerous environments that require lots of metrics to be tracked quickly and at once. Power plants, automatic industrial processing, and railway networks all make extensive use of wireless monitoring systems.
What Happens When An Alert Is Detected?
As the wireless data feeds are kept 'always on', WCM can be configured to automatically flag up potential issues (e.g. turbine underperformance, voltage fluctuations, sudden temperature rises). Once alerted, engineers can apply proactive maintenance before any issues escalate. Active wireless monitoring saves owners time, money, and pain. Better monitoring allows for repairs, replacements, and checks to be applied as and when they're needed.
Sensor Equipment and Wireless Monitoring From Sensonics Ltd.
Sensonics supply monitoring networks, sensors, and safety equipment for our industrial and commercial clients worldwide. Get in touch to find out more.Image Source: Unsplash